FIFA League Rules

FIFA League Rules

Section I: Season/Standings Process
Section II: League Rules
Section III: Season Transition Process

I: Season/Standings Process

1. The amount of games that we all play each season will be determined by the number of players in the league. If the league has more than ten (10) players, we will play the amount of players in the league, minus one games. For example, if we have 12 people in the league, we will play 11 games to ensure that everyone the league plays each other at least once. If the league has less than 10 players, we will play 10 games each season and the schedule will be randomized to ensure fairness. This will help ensure that the league moves along at a quick pace, and that the likelihood of standings being disputed will remain low because nobody can claim that somebody didn’t play the same schedule, so it was therefore easier for them to make the playoffs.
2. Make sure to play your games as quickly as possible, obviously stuff might get in the way sometimes, just make sure it isn’t taking you 5 days to play one game.
3. Once your game is scheduled, make sure you post in the FIFA ANNOUNCEMENT CHAT on Groupme, with your scheduled time. Please also post when your game is completed with a final score (and preferably attach picture from at least one owner as evidence) so that the admins can keep track on Excel.

1. The points will work as follows:
a. Win = 2 points
b. Draw = 1 point
c. Loss = 0 points
2. At the end of the season, the points will be tallied up and the top 2/3 of the league in points will get to move on to the post-season cup tournament. At this point, seeding will be randomized and you will each play one game against your opponent. The championship will award that player with first pick of team the next season. [More information on this process will be discussed In section III]
3. If the league exceeds 15 members, we will create a Minor League and progress with a Relegation System. In this format, the league will be split into two leagues (Premier and Minor) either evenly, or with the Minor League having one extra team in it. 
a. At the end of each season, the bottom 1/3 of the Premier League in points will be transferred down to the Minor League and the top 1/3 in the Minor League will move up into the Premier League. Hopefully this will keep things fresh, and add a level of immersion that might otherwise be lacking in regular franchise mode for players.

II: League Rules


a. GroupMe is required for this league. We use two chats in there to keep things organized.
i. FIFA Scheduling/Banter: Used for general chat, we would prefer it if scheduling occurred in DMs, because we have a system in place to not clutter the general chat; but we understand that sometimes this can't happen!
ii. FIFA ANNOUNCEMENT/Rule Discussion: This chat is strictly for posting game times and game start times/final scores. We also discuss rules in here, but this chat is not for general discussion, so that we can keep things organized.
2. Exploits
a. The following exploit is banned
i. Corner kick glitch; an explanation is here so that you can make sure you don’t do it. If you believe someone used the glitch, be sure to attach video evidence and contact an admin. 
1. The glitch is simple. You want to call a player to you when you’re taking a corner, you want to press LT as soon as you get the corner so the player comes to you. Then you want to press LT again when you get the ball with the player to move to the byline of the corner and then take a cross straight away, and the keepers get glitched. The keepers get glitched and can’t get close to the ball and you have a very good chance to score the goal.
b. We will update this list as new exploits are discovered.

3. Sportsmanship
a. Cutthroat: If an opponent disconnects and you are able to take a win at ANY time the game allows, you are free to do so.
b. Grieving: If an opponent disconnects for grieving then you must post in the ANNOUNCEMENT chat with proof for further action, you must have a screen shot showing the opponent was actually kicked for grieving before anything is done about it. Also at this time, please also present the situation of the game (Score, Time Left). This will be decided on a case by case basis.
c. Don't Be an Asshole: There is no reason to be running up the score on teams just because you can. You may play a game against an opponent significantly worse than you are so simply play the game with class. If it gets out of hand, then simply drain the clock and get it over with.
d. Show respect to your opponent. Racial/Sexist terms will be dealt with severely. Things are going to get heated at times but try to keep it mellow because if someone elects to report you, it could cost you and your team severely.
I repeat, do not quit out. If you are getting stomped, then just stick with it and take your loss. If you have ANY complaints after the game and wish to have them addressed, then please do that after the game while bringing any proof to the table at that time and it will be dealt with. Now if you quit out of a game and don't have some excellent excuse then your opponent will get the win and you will need to sit one of your starters for your next game.
5. Do not run up the score on your opponent. If you are up by three (3) or more goals, dribble the ball, pass it, do whatever you need to do to drain clock. If you win too many games by more than three goals, you could face a penalty at the end of the season that will hurt you the next season.
6. Privacy Clauses/Thread Discussion/Harassment/Respect/Maturity Issues
a. This is simple. Be mature about what you say and do. We are all grown up here, lets act like it.
7. Broadcasting Games
a. If both users agree to broadcast their game, they may do so and post the link in the Scheduling/Trades/Banter chat.
8. Punishments
a. Will be dealt with on a case by case basis as they arise.
9. Advancements
a. At the midpoint of the season, and the final few games at the end of the season, we will put a pause on any games past the midway point to allow others to catch-up in a timely manner. This allows for no excuse for people to claim they didn’t have time to play. The pause will last 24 hours, or until everyone is caught up on their total number of games played. At the end of the pause, it will be business as usual, until the next pause at the midway point or end of the season.

III: Season Transition Process
1. After each season, the league will enter into a transitional period. Hopefully this last only a few minutes/hours. All we will be doing in this period is deciding as a league which league we will be drawing the teams from. The champion of either the entire league or, if we do a Relegation League, the winner of each league gets to pick the team they are using first. After that, it will be first come first serve.
2. The longest part of the process will be the scheduling. Please be patient with the admins, because it will need to be done manually and might take a little time. However, the goal is to knockout the entire transition process in one night.

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